Thursday, August 10, 2017

Taiwan's government giving in to anti-biking sentiment

News HERE Taiwan and Taipei's government is giving in to the anti-biking sentiment.
[1] Scooters complain about bikers and they get attention and bikes are towed and fined.
[2] Car drivers complain about bikers (Tun-Hua N-road) and bike lanes are removed.
[3] Pedestrians complain about bikers and biker can't bike on Sidewalks.

So the government blames the bikers and gives all preferences to scooter, walkers and cars and does not stand up for bikers anymore. it's becoming very ridiculous. Where is Taiwan's pro bikers government an policy except for U-bikes?

For owners of own bikes, there are very few bike parking spaces and slots in Taipei. Many spaces are occupied by u-bike, so there is no space for bikes owners In other countries there are metal slots everywhere, In Taiwan limited, probably because store and house owners won't agree to put slots. the government gives up. and now, bikes are going to be towed. How many illegal parked cars and scooter are NOT towed ? There is no clear indication or rule where bikers can park and where they cannot. If there would be more bike slots, for regular and o-bikes the problems would be be that big.

Biking lanes
Bikes cannot bike on thee sidewalk unless there is a bike-paths, But the markings for bike paths are not clear. Lanes stops halfway or are interrupted by construction, MRT stations, people who walk on the lanesand bike line colors and style are inconsistent.

Government requires bikers to go on the street, but there is absolutely no protection for bikers. Cars and buses ignore turn left of right lanes, right on left turn lanes, cars are (double) parked, bus-stops and buses cut bikers and nothings is done about it. Biking is still and becomes more and more dangerous and the Taipei and Taiwan government is not educating.

Commuting There is absolutely no connection between central Taipei and south/north Taipei with bikes lanes. How does the government think to make biking more popular ?

Take a look around and how many bike slots do you see ?